Friday, February 11, 2011

Costumes & Props

Hello all!

We are almost finished with props. Just a few signs they need to make. Our girls made the most fantastic mini-kitchen (fridge, sink, & oven) -- actually Parker made the original oven (way to go!!) and the girls added the "details" as all girls will! Thank heaven for little girls!

Our costumes are in the making: the girls are wearing bright rainbow duct taped vests that Jesse is making. The girls will design theirs; Jesse will have one, too--he is in the girls' skit and the boys' skit. Lucky guy!

We have to show TWO methods of transportation between our TRAVELING ROADSHOW. One is a huge taco car made by most of the team; the other one is "slingshot" travel which the kids came up with recently (and it took over the idea of traveling via "spinning top") and I can tell you the 'human slingshot' really works! Ask the boys how they liked practicing with it today!

I lost my camera, so its killing me not to have photos of this whole journey. I appreciate Michelle Hill for taking the ones we've got. We are in need a photographer to pop in to our meetings and help me document this...believe me, I am a big blogger and I'm almost crippled without a camera!

STILL NEED: HAIR AND MAKE-UP LESSONS!!! The kids have to do all their own make up and hair the day of the show and we want to let them have practice time coming up!

Thanks for all you do!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

D.I. Journey Camp this Fall

Hey everybody!

I just checked out the coolest camp, JOURNEY CAMP, for D.I. kids all over Texas!!! It is held this Oct 28-30th near Tyler, TX. You have to read about it to see how amazing it is--

Check out the Activities Page: Horseback Leadership, Duct Tape Dance, Cattle Cooperation, Vertical Playground, DI Night Launch, Pendulum Tree Swing, Paintball Planet (save your "planet" or be annihilated by paint!), Goofy Gold, T.R.E.K., and Instant Challenge Craze!

Cost is $300 if you register soon. $350 for later registration (after March 3rd i think)

Teams can go, from this year or next year, if you child does D.I. again; they can go with friends, or anyone. We are seriously thinking of doing this, so let me know if you child is interested!

Super Saturday sessions

Hi team and family members!

We will need to meet each Saturday for a couple of hours until the tournament (most likely). The kids still need to make 7 costumes (all varying) and then we need to practice, practice, practice!

Please bear with us! It will be very rewarding to see your child SUCCEED on stage with a big audience and judges on March 5th. I am a coach that refuses to go to Tournament with an unprepared or partially prepared team. I can tell you I have watched skits where students have forgotten lines, have gotten flustered, and who have given up. That only happens when teams don't practice enough to be able to perform in their sleep! So we are moving forward, with lots to do, and having a blast.

T-shirts are coming soon, I promise! If any parent or siblings wants a team T-shirt, please let me know. I don't have the design yet, but we will next week!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Instant Challenge groupwork

We give the kids a bunch of random objects and they have specific instructions, like:
You will have 4 minutes to build a rocket and a launcher. You will get points for Creativity, Teamwork, a successful rocket & launcher, as well as 5 points for every 1 foot that your rocket travels.
3 straws
1 12x12 piece of alum foil
2 sticky labels
1 brown lunch bag
2 buttons
1 plastic spoon
1 plastic cup
3 pieces of spaghetti
1 empty soup can
3 cotton balls
What would YOU make???

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Team Meetings Week of Jan 24-29


We will meet on THURSDAY, 27th, at 2:50-4:15 in Mrs. Owens' room. Please send a snack with your child.

FRIDAY, the 28th, we will meet at Robyn's house to get the creative JUICES flowing!
The kids should bring any any crafty supplies and $3-$4 for pizza.

Supplies we might need are listed on the right side bar. As we get further along in our skit planning, the kids will tell me what they want to use for creating costumes, backdrop, props, and our "technical spectacle" which we have yet to tackle.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We are "To D.I. for"

This team name was created and voted on by our 7 team members. They came up with lots of team names and this one took the cake! It has the initials most commonly used in Destination Imagination, D.I., in it; it shows creative use of the double meaning of "D.I." and "die" as in "to die for" meaning, in this case, "the team is to die for, it's so fun...or it's so creative," etc.

Our seven team members are as follows:
Nick Buckwalter
Parker Hill
Weston Thompson
Rachel Hopkins
Maddy Walters
Alexis Hruby
Jesse Owens

All fourth graders, all at Sendera Ranch Elementary.

and they are
to D.I. for

Welcome to our team blog!

Welcome to our team's Destination Imagination blog!!

Here we will have updates, meeting notes, photos and other important information for our team members and their families.

As of January 25, we meet on Thursdays and Fridays at 2:50 at our Elementary School. We will have some exceptions and additional meeting times as we get closer to the TOURNAMENT!

TOURNAMENT: March 5th, all day at Byron Nelson High School.